Cyber-Attack and its regulation
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Connectivity in companies has been paramount to maintaining economic and labor productivity. Let us remember that companies handle private information as an extremely valuable asset because it contains data with details of their  economic activities, know-how, plus confidential information, which must be easily shared among those who make up the company using technological tools that allow convenient accessibility, such as file hosting or storage "services". Therefore, instruments must be in place to ensure security and protection concerning who is allowed to access such information. This indicates that security measures are essential to prevent the alteration, loss or theft of private or sensitive company information, which are presented as "cyber threats" or "cyber-attacks". For this reason, this book, through a review of the legal doctrine on corporate cyber-attacks, shares an analysis of the legal-theoretical framework to serve as an input for the formulation of regulatory improvement measures that strengthen the use of digital networks through cybersecurity tools. Profesor Carlos Uribe Piedrahíta, Ph. D. Director del Departamento de Derecho Económico Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia Profesora Luciana Yeung Luk Tai, Ph. D. Profesor titular de Law and Economics - INSPER

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