Libros escritos por
Etienne Montero

Ph.D. in Law (University of Louvain).

Full Professor at the University of Namur.

Former Dean of the Law Faculty (2009-2015).

Visiting professor for graduate or doctorate level courses at several universities: Louvain, Belgium (1999-2002), Paris Est, France (2002-2008), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (2005-2008), Kinshasa, Congo (2001), West Africa, Abidjan, Ivory Coast (2015), and others.

He directed many research projects leading to the drafting of laws and regulatory instruments, both at national and international level.

He led numerous consultancies and expert missions for Belgian government, national and international organisations, and for private and public companies.

Author of six books and about 150 of scientific papers in civil law. Scientific director of nine other books.

He gave about 200 speeches in congress and conferences in Belgium and abroad.

President of the European Institute of Bioethics (EIB).

Author of a large number of articles on issues of bioethics and biolaw, especially about end-of-life. He has long been involved in academic and public debate on these issues, by participating in conferences and debates in print and broadcast media.

He has been consulted as an expert on end-of-life issues in various legislative and judicial contexts:

  • hearing by French, Canadian and Australian governmental or parliamentary delegations;

  • written expert opinion for the Belgian Senate, at the instance of the presidents of the Commissions for Justice and Social Affairs (about the intention to extending euthanasia to minors);

  • Affidavit for the ?Cour supérieure? of Québec in the case Leblanc v. Procureur general du Québec et Procureur general du Canada, at the instance of Attorney-General of Canada;

  • Affidavit for the Supreme Court of Canada in the case Lee Carter v. Canada, at the instance of Attorney-General of Canada;

  • Affidavit for the High Court of New Zealand in the case Lecretia Seales v. Attorney-General, at the instance of Attorney-General of New Zealand.

Studies on life, human dignity and law. Dignidad humana, vida y derecho
Jose María Puyol Montero
Tirant lo Blanch · 03/2017 · Rústica
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