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Is a geographer, Ph.D. in Geography and Territorial Planning, specialized in Territorial Development, from NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH) of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. Currently, he is a researcher at the Interdisciplinary Center of Social Sciences (CICS.NOVA) and holds a position of Invited Assistant Professor at NOVA FCSH. His main scientific interests include Urban Studies, with an emphasis on Housing Policies, Urban Geography, Inequality, and Geographic Information Systems. He has collaborated in books and book chapters (author and co-author), organized scientific events, participated in national and international scientific events, collaborated in scientific projects, and published articles in scientific journals. In parallel with academic activity, Antunes provides consulting services in the field of Housing Policies, Geographic Information Systems, Cartography Design, and technical and specialized training courses. He received two honorable mentions in the scientific field of Contemporary History, namely the Mário Soares Foundation Prize 2018 and the Victor Sá Prize 2018.
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Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch · 04/05/2021 · Rústica En stock, entrega en 24-48h