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Blockchain, Fintech and the Law explores
the exciting possibilities of new financial
technologies, including, but not limited to
the use of blockchain, and the regulatory
and legal implications of Fintech from
different perspectives. This volume will be
of interest to legal experts, law students and
the general public looking to learn about
various topics related to Fintech and its
current regulatory realities, covering areas
such as smart contracts and blockchain,
cryptocurrencies and AI-fueled markets,
financial inclusion of refugees, as well as
marketplace lending, money laundering
or regulatory sandboxes. The book also
alerts of the challenges to human rights
that Fintech can pose, including breaches
of privacy and personal data protection,
as well as financial and banking exclusion
of vulnerable populations, discrimination
and bias in marketplace lending and
other problems related to the use of
technology for financial services. Each
chapter contains works by current and
former Harvard University Faculty and
Harvard Law School researchers as well
as recent graduates from Harvard Law
School?s LLM and JD programs. These
legal scholars have converged through
the Harvard European Law Association
and the Harvard Law School Blockchain
and Fintech Initiative to deliver a work of
reference for emerging topics in Fintech
and blockchain regulation.

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