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Criminal Policy in the age of Globalisation

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Criminal Policy is the Law Subject devoted to seeking real and feasible solutions to problems, as serious as those discussed in this book. Issues such as the obvious authoritarian trait of criminal law, a reflection of its progressive dependence on political and media power. And, of course, also of some economic interests that evolve towards a neoliberal model in which figures matter much more than people. Or past problems not yet resolved, such as abortion, gender violence or drug trafficking. Additionally, new challenges such as organized crime and its close relationship with phenomena, such as corruption and white-collar crime, sky-rocketing in a global and interconnected world. Not to mention terrorism, especially the jihadist, a reflection, to a large extent, of the resounding failure in the integration of immigrants. Human migration, in turn, unstoppable, despite the increasing stubbornness of States to close their borders, thereby condemning thousands of people to death. The alternative to rotting in a refugee camp is sometimes only one: turning to organized crime seeking vital opportunities that the States either due to destination or origin, withhold. Because going from victim to criminal had never been so simple as it is now, and also with the back-up from the international community.

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