Human rights and social justice

Human rights and social justice
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On June 23th 2023 a seminar was organized by RCC Study Group ¨Studies on Life and Human Dignity¨ at Harvard Law School (Cambridge, Massachusetts). The seminar ?Human Dignity, Social Justice and Human Rights? was to gather well-renowned professors from different fields of science from prestigious European and American universities. The aim of the encounter was to analyze and study the concept of human dignity in life and at the end of life, and some of its manifestations and potential threats in today?s world.
In the last decades, a spectacular development in the diverse fi elds of science, economy, trade and communications has taken place in society. These advances in human progress, as laudable as they may be, often do not eff ectively correspond to parallel recognition of every man and woman?s human dignity. In fact, in many cases, this progress results in a series of contradictions and possible dangers and challenges.
This book brings together a selection of papers presented at that seminar, regarding the big issue of human dignity and law.

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