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Ict and Housing for Elderly in Europe. Host Project Conclusions

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The HOST project (funded under the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme of the European Commission) is aimed to develop a digital infrastructure for social housing operators to address social isolation and promote autonomy of elderly users. The proposed product offers highly configurable and easy-to-use services to older people living in social housing flats, providing a simplified and effective interface to interact with their users. ICT and Housing for Elderly in Europe. HOST project conclusions contains seven chapters related to the project during the period 2011?2014. Readers will find the relevance of socio-technical models to improve the efficiency and quality of services addressed to elders, how to design adequate products to respond elders? needs through a participatory design and, finally, the impact of HOST products on three samples from France, Italy and the United Kingdom. Last but not least, it is analyzed the challenges and opportunities of the social housing sector and new technologies to encourage ageing in place.

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