Literature and Culture in English Learning

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This book aims to provide English second language teachers and English second language students with the necessary tools to use literary texts in the classroom and help them decide what literary texts are suitable in lesson plans so as to encourage learners to be familiar with the ins and outs of working with literary and cultural aspects as a tool of learning and teaching English. Therefore, readers will �nd it as a useful resource to learning English through literary works so as to develop the so-called literacy competence. It also provides an approach to a wide range of methodological approaches to teaching literature to English second language learners and o�ers teaching and learning tasks to be imple-mented in the classroom via literary texts. Likewise, the book contributes to aid teachers to select literary texts to be used in the classroom, namely, whether learners should use original literary texts or adapted literary texts. A child books catalogue is also provided based on classical tales, traditional (or popular) tales and current short tales.

The book also sheds light on what cultural content should be addressed in the classroom so as to develop the so-called intercultural competence. Instances of cultural tasks illustrate how culture should be taught in lesson plans oriented to second language learning.

Finally, the book also o�ers an approach to the implementation of Information and Communication Technology Tools (ICT) in teaching and learning literary and socio-cultural aspects. For instance, it provides online resources to download children?s online literary books, the use of storytelling, webquests and software programs such as JCLIC to teach and learn English through literature and culture via ICT tools.

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