Libros escritos por
Lorayne Finol Romero

Academic Background
- Doctor of Law in Universidad of Zulia (Venezuela, 2007), and the Universidad de Chile (Chile, 2019).
- Master of Public Policy Evaluation, International University of Andalucía (Spain, 2012).
- Master of Taxes and Economics of the public sector, Universidad of Zulia (Venezuela, 2003).
- Advanced Program in Economics and Public Finance, Universidad of Zulia (Venezuela, 2000-2002).
- Diploma in Human Rights and sentences of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Universidad de Talca (Chile, 2021).
- Diploma in public sector innovation and Open Government, Universidad de Chile (Chile, 2020).
- Diploma in Teacher on line course, Universidad IE, (Spain, 2020).
- Diploma in Higher Education Professor, Universidad Central de Chile (Chile, 2020).
- Abogada (Bachelor of Law) Suma Cum Laude, Universidad of Zulia (Venezuela, 1999).
Academic Experience :
- Professor at the Faculty of Law, Universidad Central de Chile, Region Coquimbo (2017-present).
- Researcher at the Institute of the Faculty of Law and Humanities, Universidad Central de Chile (2020- present).
- Advisor to the secretariat of the Open Government Academic Network in Chile (2019-present).
- Advisor of Open Science Project Nº INCA 210016 (2019, present).
- Postdoctoral Intern Program of Doctoral of Political Science of Universidad of Zulia ? sponsored by Red Macro de Universidades Iberoamericanas ?
Universidad de Chile: "Public Politics and Governance Challenges for Sustainable Development" (2017-2022).
- Visiting Researcher and Lecturer at the Institute of Public Affairs (2017-2018).
- Visiting professor of Government, University of Chile (2017-2018).
- Internship at the government laboratory of government Chile, in the program of Public Innovation at the service of people (2017-2018).
- Visiting International Researcher at INTERGES - UNAL Colombia (2013-currently).
- Full Professor at Universidad of Zulia (2003 - 2016).
- Extension degree of Faculty of Law at University of Zulia (2012 - 2013).
- Course coordinator in the system of distance education of the FCJP - LUZ (2013 - 2015).
- Project Evaluator at LUZ Scientific Development Council (2015 - 2017).
- Fellow of the European Union Training Program - UNIA- AUIP- Spain (2010 - 2012).
- Head Chief Department Public Economies and Finances (2004-2015).
- Academic Internship, Universidad del Zulia (2000 - 2003).
Research lines  developed :
- Open Government, laws and policy publics.
- Transparency, Etic of Data and Freedom of information law impact.
- Learning and teaching of hybrid learning in higher education (blearing).
Some of the research projects conducted and completed :
- Spatial Dimension of the Exercise of Municipal Taxing Powers (2004).
- Comparative Analysis of the material scope subject to the exercise of the taxing power of the municipality (2003).
- Virtual learning environment of the Chair of Economic Law and Public Finance (2010-2015).
- Redefinition of the Public Sector Financing Model (2015-2016).
- Evaluation of public policies in Latin America (2017-2022).
- Good practices of democratic governance in Latin America (2022)
- National Panoramas of Monitoring and Evaluation in Latin America (2015).
- Digital competencies of a Blearing University Teacher (2011-2016).
- Distance studies mediated by ICT: Management of virtual learning environments and teach communities (2014).
- Incorporation of learning management systems in university studies (2015).
- Learning communities for the formation of research competencies (2014).
- Open Data and Open Government: Study of the Council for Transparency in Chile (2019).
- Open Science from universities. Building institutional capacities for the management and governance of scientific data and information (2022).
Recentl y Published Articles
- Comparing the impact of the transparency law on local governments in Chile: Which are the most open municipal governments?
- Contextualization of the right of access to public information and transparency of the civil service by Chilean constitutional jurisprudence. Comments on the
Judgment of the Constitutional Court Nº 7425-19-INA, December 19, 2019.
- Analyzing How Transparency and the Exercise of the Right of Access to Public Information Works Through a Project-Based Learning Experience.
- Open data government: A look from the municipal active transparency data portals in Chile. In: Voices of Open Government in Chile.
- Positivizing Transparency through the theory of the double dimension of rights: a comparative view.
- Transparency and Governance of Data in the Framework of Human Rights in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
- Neoconstitucionalismo y el constitucionalismo positivista: un debate no concluido en el Derecho.
- Ecosistema de ciencia abierta. Una propuesta desde universidades.
Book of this year :
- - Transparencia de la función pública y evaluación de su eficacia in praxis: ¿Es suficiente una ley?-. Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch (Chile

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