State Responsabilities in the Climate Crisis: Legal Standards and Global Litigation

State Responsabilities in the Climate Crisis: Legal Standards and Global Litigation
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The ecological transition poses multiple challenges for our society. One of them is the role of Law, and how our current institutions
can govern the transition to protect Human Rights, Nature, the Rule of Law, and the stability of our society, as it adjusts itself to
the new and uncertain reality. Nevertheless, it is possible to observe a certain degree of inaction from the States, more willing to
protect the current structures of production and consumption alongside the interests of those that concentrate economic and political power.
It is time for the law to overcome this political blockage and seek the avenues of justice, recognizing responsibilities, creating standards, while acknowledging that this climate and ecological crisis needs to reshape some of our institutions to protect human dignity, environmental integrity, and the wellbeing of current and future generations.
This book, a collective effort from legal scholars in the Global South and North, looks to contribute to this task by exploring institutions to understand their challenges and interpreting law to propose solutions.
Each author has devoted their efforts to this task, acknowledging the relevance of the values at stake.
The book has been coordinated by Ezio Costa Cordella, who is a legal scholar and environmental lawyer, executive director of the legal Latin-American NGO FIMA, professor and deputy director of the Center for Environmental Law (CDA) at Universidad de Chile, and collaborating researcher at Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona; and Pilar Moraga Sariego, an outstanding legal scholar who is a professor, director of the Center for Climate and Resilience (CR2), and director of the Center for Environmental Law (CDA) at Universidad de Chile.

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