Animals, Humans, and Kant

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Everyone who reads Leslie Stevenson?s new book, Animals, Humans, and Kant, will learn from it. Written in a clear, witty and engaging voice, it offers not only a sophisticated survey of current commentary on key issues in Kant?s philosophy of mind; but also a tour of the landscape in cognitive psychology regarding the nature of perception and thought. Best of all, it combines these overviews with original insights into the text of Kant?s Critique of Pure Reason, using as a basis of comparison recent research into the behavioral psychology of other animals.
? Prof. Dr. Adrian Piper (APRA Foundation, Berlin)
Leslie Stevenson?s book provides an engaging, perceptive and readable account of some of the most important topics in Kant?s philosophy and beyond. Anyone interested in the foundations of perception, judgement and action would be well-advised to consult it.
? Prof. Dr. Jens Timmermann (University of St. Andrews) 
Leslie Stevenson?s Animals, humans, and Kant is a very original book, which brings recent work on animal cognition and cognitive psychology to bear on Kant?s analysis of perception, emotion and action. It advances convincing analyses of Kant?s epistemological and psychological concepts, and renews the interpretation of the most puzzling claims of the Critique of Pure Reason and Kant?s Anthropology. It is written in a lucid and accessible style.
? Prof. Dr. Pascal Engel (University of Geneva)

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