Libros escritos por
Lourdes Mella Méndez

LOURDES MELLA MENDEZ is a Full Professor of Labour Law and Social Security at the Faculty of Law, in the University of Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, Spain).

She is the sole author of a large number of books (Spanish language), including: 1) "La formalización del despido disciplinario" (Granada, 1999), 2) "Sucesión de empresa y convenio colectivo aplicable" (Granada, 2000); 3) "La extinción de la relación laboral por jubilación del trabajador" (Valladolid, 2002); 4) "El compromiso de actividad del desempleado" (Madrid, 2005); 5) "La reconvención en el proceso laboral" (Madrid, 2007), 6) "El precontrato de trabajo" (Madrid, 2010); 7) "La responsabilidad indemnizatoria del trabajador durante la vigencia del contrato", La Ley, Wolters Kluwer (Madrid, 2017).

She has also coordinated and co-authored several books (Spanish language), as for example: "Case Studies of Social Security" (A Coruña, 2010), "Social Security Practice" (Madrid, 2011), "Gender based Violence and Labour Law" (Madrid, 2012), "Work and Family Life and the Economic Crisis: Studies from International and Comparative Law", Publishing company Delta (Madrid, 2015); "Employment Law Practice"; Delta, 2015; "Distance work and Teleworking. Studies on their Legal Status in Spanish and Comparative Law". Publishing company Aranzadi Thomson Reuters, 2015; ?Teleworking in Spain: theoretical and Practical Aspects? (Madrid, 2016); editor and preface: ?Nuevas tecnologías y nuevas maneras de trabajar: estudios desde el derecho español y comparado (Alemania, Reino Unido, Polonia, Portugal y Argentina)"; ?The social and labour current changes: new challenges of labour market?, Peter Lang, Suiza, 2017 (editor of 5 volumes); "La Revolución tecnológica y sus efectos en el mercado de trabajo: un reto del siglo XXI?, editorial La Ley Wolters Kluwer (2018).

-Books in English language: 1) "Work-Life Balance and the Economic Crisis. Some Insights from the Perspective of Comparative Law? (Volume I: The Spanish Scenario)"; 2) "Work-Life Balance and the Economic Crisis. Some Insights from the Perspective of Comparative Law (Volume II: The International Scenario)", Cambridge Scholars Publishing (Cambridge,UK 2015); 3) co-editor: "Digital work and personal data protection", Cambridge Scholars Publishing (UK, 2018); 4) coeditor "The balance between worker protection and employer powers", Cambridge Scholars Publishing (UK, 2018); 5) co-editor and co-author: "The balance between worker protection and employer powers " Cambridge Scholars Publishing (UK, 2018) ; 6) editor and coauthor "Labour Law and the Gig Economy: Challenges posed by the digitalisation of labour processes, ROUTLEDGE (UK, 2020); 7) editor and coauthor of "Regulating the Platform Economy International Perspectives On New Forms Of Work", Routledge (UK, 2020).
Furthermore, she has also written more than one hundred articles and book chapters, which are published in different countries and languages. Since 1997, she has often spent time abroad as a visiting professor working at prestigious universities and giving lectures and conferences at many universities and international conferences (eg., Sydney, Amsterdam, Bergamo, Cagliari, Porto, Bordeaux, Dublin-Eurofound, Buenos Aires, Paris, Russia, Montevideo).She is running research projects on at national and international level and is the recipient of many national awards for Legal Research. She has also been the Director of several specialisation courses, Masters and national and International Conferences.
She is the General Coordinator of an International Network (CIELO Laboral: which is made up of experts from more than 40 countries, in Europe and Latin America.

Conciliación de la vida familiar y laboral y corresponsabilidad entre sexos
Jaime Cabeza Pereiro
Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch · 01/05/2011 · Rústica
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