Libros escritos por
Susana Lobo

Susana Lobo (b. Lourenço Marques, Portugal, 1973) Architect (2002) and PhD in Architecture (2013), University of Coimbra. She is Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture of the University of Coimbra (Darq-FCTUC) where she teaches since 1998 and currently lectures Design Studio I and Urbanism, Architecture and Tourism and is member of the CoimbraStudio PhD programme. Her research interests focus on Portuguese Architecture, Urbanism and Design of the 20th century, with expertise on tourism and leisure infrastructures. On these topics she has published, curated, organized and supervised several books, articles, exhibitions, scientific events and academic theses. She is researcher at CiTUA?IST/UL (Centre for innovation in Territory, Urbanism and Architecture ? Superior Technical Institute/Lisbon University) and associate researcher at CES-UC (Centre of Social Studies ? Coimbra University).

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