Strategic planning and comprehensive management model of cultural heritage Implementation in territory museums

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The EU-LAC-MUSEUMS project (2016-2020)
was explicitly designed in response to the
Horizon2020 Work Programme call INT 12
(2015), the cultural, scientific and social dimension
of EU-LAC relations, to study ?close
connections between Europe and Latin America
and the Caribbean? in the world of community
museology.1 Museums and cultural
heritage hold an unequalled responsibility to
communicate the ?shared history? and ?cultural,
political and economic ties? between Europe,
Latin America and the Caribbean. Museums
have enormous capacity to reach all levels
of community, from towns to remote villages,
and can be neutral spaces for building
social cohesion and reconciliation in a variety of contexts. Together, our research teams
are determining ?synergies and cross-fertilization,
as well as identifying asymmetries
in bi-lateral and bi-regional relations? at the
level of museum practice, theory, and policy.

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