They: Live. Exploring student lives through. Photography, oral history and context based art

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Students as an important social group, although often celebrated for their contribution to social changes and social development, are not remembered as a specific collective body that
in different contexts and at different times might have very different roles. Even in cultural history research, the life of students was not a research topic, except, partially, in the monographs about specific universities. It is interesting to what extent students? memories were considered only private ones and were rarely part of the archival projects. That is why this book They:Live. Exploring Student Lives Through Photography, Oral History and Context-Based Art is such an innovative text
due to both the innovative research methods
of the project that preceded its creation and the complex form of the book that at the same time enables theoretical reflections (combining different academic perspectives and resources from different case studies) and exploration of different practices and experiences (through artists-in-residence projects) and, finally, offers a useful handbook
as a guide for cultural operators? and academics? future experiments and innovative approaches to audience development.

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