Libros escritos por
Ricardo Casañ Pitarch

2007 ? Licenciado en Filología Inglesa (Universitat Jaume I)
2008 ? Máster de Inglés para el Comercio Internacional (Universitat Jaume I)
2014 ? Doctor en Lingüística Aplicada (Universitat Jaume I)
Título tesis: Financial English language for corporate banking websites

Experiencia Profesional Docente
2008-2014 ? Profesor Asociado en Universitat Jaume I
2014-2016 ? Profesor Doctor en Universidad Católica de Murcia
2017-2020 ? Profesor Ayudante Doctor en Universitat Politècnica de Valéncia
Desde 2020 ? Profesor Contratado Doctor en Universitat Politècnica de Valéncia

Publicaciones Relevantes
2022 - On Serious Games, Gamification, & Digital Game-Based Learning: Foreign Language Learning in the Digital Age. Tirant lo Blanch.
2022 - Spanish B1 vocabulary acquisition among Chinese students with Guadalingo. International Journal of Information and Learning Technology 39 (1), 197-208.
2021 - Testing ImmerseMe with Chinese students: acquisition of foreign language forms and vocabulary in Spanish. Language in Higher Education 11 (1), 219-233.
2021 - Developing Language, Content, and Digital Competence through International Telecollaborative Project Work- The Journal of Teaching English with Technology 21 (1), 26-47.
2020 - Spanish politicians in Twitter: A linguistic analysis of their written discourse. Ibérica 40, 195-215.
2020 - The Power of Emoji for Profile Descriptions on Dating APPs. Revista de Lengua Modernas 56, 27-42.
2018 - An Approach to Digital Game-based Learning: Video-games Principles and Applications in Foreign Language Learning. Journal of Language and Teaching Research, 9 (6), 1147-1159.

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